Saturday, July 13, 2019

Travel Tips

These tips for travelling will help you to save money, sleeping well, to be a better traveller & meeting local.

1. Book flights 2-3 months in advance to get the best price.

2. Buy a small backpack/suitcase

3. Pack light– the necessary things only. Personal 😊

4. Don’t fly direct- we’ll it’s just my suggestion, if you want to experience travelling as locals do then its fine. But if not then fly direct 😊 

5. Don’t be afraid to use a map – especially when you are traveling alone it is an ideal way to reach your destination. Google map is helpful.

6. Ask hostel staff for information — even when you aren’t staying there.

7. Read at least a history Background of a place you’re visiting.

8. When you go out, take only what you really need that can make you comfortable

9. Carry emergency cash, because emergencies happen & take an extra bank card and credit card with you.

10. Take extra socks – as for me I love wearing socks 😊

11. Stay in the most affordable hotel in the place you’re going to visit. An accommodation near the tourist spot in your itinerary.

12. Take selfies and with people as well, lots of photos. Time will come, you’ll want to look back on those time you can’t remember and the people who made them memorable
Not everyone bites. Say hi to people on the road. Turn strangers into friends. You never know. You just might make some lifelong friends.

13. Learn basic phrases in the native language of your destination.

The locals will appreciate it and it will make your interactions easier. Just a few things like “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Thank you.

14. Avoid taxis, they are always a budget buster. Some are scammers lol!

15. Always bring a water. Drink the tap water when you can.

16. Take walking free tours & Taste their different foods 😊

17 Take pictures of your luggage and clothes. Is something ‘s lost, this could help you identify.

18. Get good footwear where you can walk comfortably.

19. Be respectful - locals are willing to help you out, but there’s probably a language barrier, so keep your cool & be patient.

20. Take a jacket. - When you want to go for a walk during at night. It’s kinda cold at night.

21. Be open to strangers but also be alert 😊 and not trust that fast.

22.Travel insurance is the most important thing you get that you never want to use. If something goes wrong, you don’t want to be out thousands of dollars in bills

23. Learn to haggle or bargain - If you want to buy something as a present to your family or friend, you should learn to haggle.

24. Get travel insurance as much as possible 😊

25. Bear in mind that to travel is not just to experience but to learn :) and YOLO

   Cheers for more Travels!